What is emailing? Email marketing, mailing, emailing or e-mailing, this is an Anglo-Saxon term used to designate the mass sending of emails to a group of contacts. To facilitate this task, there are emailing tools such as Sarbacane.

When you look for free or paid email marketing tools , you will find a wide variety of applications, but know that the most important thing is that the services of the chosen application cover all your needs so that you can adapt them to those of your clients. Sarbacane will help you obtain a larger number of customers to whom you can sell and whom you can retain through your promotions or offers.

Here are the 10 most important benefits Sarbacane can bring to your business:

1. The cost-benefit ratio

That’s the first thing we entrepreneurs want to know: yes, it’s profitable. In reality, there is no marketing channel that offers a higher ROI than emailing (an ROI of 4308% per euro invested). And that’s not all, because in the case of Sarbacane you have the possibility of using the application for free for a month.

2. Virality and level of reach

Did you know that emailing is 40 times more effective than Twitter and Facebook combined? Yes, the number of clicks is higher and surpasses social networks in terms of reach. Virality and sharing increase with Sarbacane since you can easily integrate the icons of the social networks on which you are present into your campaigns. This option allows your target audience to forward the message to their contacts or publish it in their social media profile, thus multiplying the impact of your campaigns.

3. Monitoring your campaign

Another benefit of using Sarbacane is the ability to accurately measure and track campaign effectiveness. The application will allow you to instantly view the reports and know: how many people opened the email, for how long, whether it was opened from a computer or mobile phone, how many times this has been done, how many have clicked on the different links in the message, how many have shared with their contacts, in short you will be able to measure and analyze your success easily and quickly.

4. Direct communication tool

Communication is a way to take care of customers in any business. Through mailing you get direct contact with the user, one of the main ways to keep them informed about the latest news, new products, future launches or simply to congratulate them on their birthday. To do this, Sarbacane provides you with more than 800 free responsive models that you can modify and adapt to any type of context.

5. Loyalty

It’s not just about selling and increasing the number of customers, it’s also about maintaining and strengthening those who have already purchased a product/service from your business. You can offer content more focused on storytelling and branding, or directly, by knowing your customer’s behavior (their clicks), you can offer content more focused on the target.

The Sarbacane emailing tool allows you to know the links that generated more engagement and the behavior that your customers have with your brand. So you can always use this data to make your future mailings more efficient.

6. Curated recipient lists and mailing segmentation

Sarbacane allows you to optimize your contact lists by segmenting the recipients of your company’s communication campaign. This allows you to send much more targeted campaigns, for example, to the specific target you want to reach. This only brings you benefits. Additionally, you can make sure to exclude NPAI or unsubscribed contacts and remove duplicates.

7. Personalized Messages

The possibilities with Sarbacane are endless, but it’s all about paying attention to the details. Not only can you segment your messages, but you can also personalize them as much as possible, for example, by sending emails with the customer’s name or welcoming them if they are new. Having a personal relationship with the user is an advantage that is not offered by other channels.

8. A good ally on vacation

Sarbacane can adapt to your activity and your needs by scheduling weekly or monthly newsletter sendings from anywhere in the world, thus ensuring the deliverability of all your messages and allowing you to take a break in the middle of the ‘summer.

9. Help the environment

More than 90,000 square kilometers of forest are still lost each year due to the activity of the paper industry. The continuation of traditional direct marketing activities has a significant environmental impact. Sarbacane is ecological: the production and distribution offered to you only develops digitally, and therefore paper resources are not used and there is not the slightest environmental impact.

10. Increase your sales

The objective of emailing is not to sell at all costs, it is, among other things, to obtain a relationship with the customer that makes a difference and arouses interest. This is precisely what Sarbacane puts at your disposal. In short, it is the result of the combination of several of the above advantages: the possibility of personalizing the treatment with the client, the possibility of having a broad monitoring of your results and analyzing them, or all the actions that allow for the customer to feel special. This can only result in conversions or increase the economic benefits of your business.

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